Here is a high-level view of what a land subdivision process looks like in New Zealand.
Subdivisions can come in all shapes and sizes, quite literally! However, the time and costs can also vary greatly based on the complexities of the site, seeking the necessary Resource and Land Use Consents from Council and associated design and construction works. That’s why it is important to engage a Development or Project Manager to manage the procurement of the Right consultants, the costs and the timeline. For more information on costings then contact us directly.
Here’s a typical example of the staged process:
Stage 1 – Feasibility, Preliminary Design & Resource Consent (RC)
Planning/Feasibility Assessment – This is important to understand whether you can actually subdivide and will provide High Level Planning Advice, Bulk & Massing, indicative concept of what is allowable, indicative cost and value of development and indicative programme of development.
Consultants procured for the RC by the Development or Project Manager are;
⦁ Surveyor
⦁ Planner
⦁ Architect (If also requiring design as part of Land Use Consent)
⦁ Civil Engineer
⦁ Geotechnical Engineer
⦁ Structural Engineer (Not always required)
⦁ Arborist (Not always required)
Complete topographical survey of the site.
Prepare preliminary designs for client approval and update feasibility investigations.
Prepare a subdivision scheme plan to support the application for subdivision consent.
Prepare a Subdivision/Resource consent application (includes general and site-specific reports, as well as design plans). Collate all general reports (topographical, drainage, geotechnical), site specific reports (structural, flood, arborist) and design plans to ensure your application is accepted.
Lodge application with Council for Consent.
If Consent is granted by Council, it will be subject to conditions such as detailed design for Engineering Plan Approval (EPA) and installation of the necessary infrastructure, seeking the necessary certifications in terms of the RMA (Sec 223 and 224c at least) and survey approval from Land Information New Zaland (LINZ) of the proposed boundaries & necessary easements on a Land Transfer plan.
Stage 2 – Developed/Detailed Design
Prepare Building Consent design drawings for any dwellings being put on the site, i.e apartments, houses etc.
This requires various consultants to be engaged and will be procured by the Development or Project Manager including:
⦁ Architect
⦁ Structural Engineer
⦁ Civil Engineer
⦁ Fire Engineer
⦁ Services Engineers (If applicable)
⦁ Geotechnical Engineer
⦁ Quantity Surveyor
Stage 3 – Building Consent & Tender
Lodge design drawings to Council for Building Consent and EPA processing and approval.
Prepare and issue tender documentation to contractors for pricing.
Complete tender process and award.
Stage 4 – Construction
Carry out site works (e.g. earthworks and construction of driveways, drainage and utilities) and construction of buildings including construction management, supervision and certification.
Stage 5 – Post Construction
Undertake final survey and prepare new Survey Plans to submit to Council for Section 223 RMA approval and then Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for Survey Approval. This must be applied for within 5 years of subdivision consent being granted.
Stage 6 – Council Sign Offs
Apply for Section 224(c) RMA certification to confirm all conditions of your subdivision consent have been met with consent notices for certain conditions that can be completed at a later date.
Stage 7 – Obtain New Titles
Legal work to have the LINZ survey plan ‘Deposited’ once the Sec 223 & 224c certificates are issued. A new Record of Title is issued.
If you want to know more about what you can do with your property or if you’re looking for your next property investment or development, then contact us at Property Investment Deals.